Heated Debate: Scientists and politicians have been pushing for a single time system for a while.Is This the End of Standard Time? The Senate passed legislation – with almost no warning or debate – that, if approved by the House and President Biden, would make daylight saving time permanent. At the Brussels headquarters of the commission, which is the organization’s executive arm, officials made clear that his pronouncement was premature, and that changing European Union regulations was easier said than done. Juncker, however, is known for going off script. “I will recommend to the commission that, if you ask the citizens, then you have to do what the citizens say,” he said, standing in front of Château du Luc in the Belgian town of Genval, where the commission is on an annual retreat.

The millions who responded were overwhelmingly in favor of abolishing it, Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, told ZDF, a German public broadcaster, on Friday morning. This summer, the union invited residents to fill out an online form giving their opinions on daylight saving, or summer time. This is due to the fact that people are out and about during the daylight hours instead of during a time when it's dark out, according to the DOT.BRUSSELS - European countries that have observed daylight saving time for generations may soon put an end to it, European Union officials signaled on Friday, saying that they would drop a rule that member countries must abide by the “spring forward, fall back” ritual. When DST is in effect it can also help save lives, reduce crime and prevent traffic injuries, according to the DOT. Most people wake up after the sun rises as well, meaning there are fewer hours when they need artificial lighting. During the summer months when DST is in effect people tend to spend more time outside and less time indoors at night, according to the U.S. The first is that it helps save energy save energy because it adds an hour of light to the end of the day. It also started the first Sunday in March, however.ĭaylight Saving Time, or Summer Time, is in place for several reasons. But for those who will be asleep during that time they can just change the clocks on their ovens or alarm clocks either before they go to sleep or once they wake up Sunday morning.Īcross the Atlantic in Europe, DST is actually called Summer Time and it ended on the last Sunday in October. So Sunday morning the clock will change from 1:59 a.m. Most cell phone clocks will change automatically when Daylight Saving Time comes to an end but for those clocks that need to be changed manually, DST officially ends at 2 a.m., local time. Hawaii and Arizona don't follow DST and Indiana didn't until 2006. The change was implemented for energy-saving purposes but any state is allowed to opt out of it if they don't want to follow the changes in time twice a year. That's when it was moved to March and November instead of April and October. The dates of DST were changed by President George W. Back then it started on the last Sunday in April and ended on the last Sunday in October every year. In 1966 DST was officially signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson. The sun has been rising later in the morning over the last month or so but after Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday morning and after that the sun will be rising an hour earlier.ĭaylight Saving Time starts on the second Sunday in March and will end the first Sunday in November, as it does every year.